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News & Events (Updated
) |
- Submission to OAIC on Big Data - July 2016
- Lyria, Alana and David contributed to the first report of the legal team on the Data to Decisions CRC - June 2016
- Research mapping survey, blockchain regulatory issues in support of CLE conference in September 2016.
- Welcome interns Eva Wang and Irene Kim - June and July 2016.
- Presentation to Deakin forum on culture of personal data presentation online - June 2016
- Participation in CSE workshop on Bitcoin, blockchain and cryptocurrencies with research associate Prof Ron van der Meyden
- Welcome interns Kendy Ding, Kevin Tsu and Vincent Wang - March 2016.
- Submission to mandatory data breach notification inquiry - February 2016.
- Consultation on proposals for reform of Copyright Act, including the viability of Orphan Works under a 'Fair Use' exception - February 2016
- Presentation to Big data in Health research, UNSW Medicine - December 2016
- Presentations to Data Associations in Global Law and Policy Workshop, UNSW Law - December 2015
- Welcome interns Monica Ma,
Jacqueline Yip,
Atul Vidhata and
Ciaran Finnane - August 2015
- Launch of new IT Law course with Alana and David - August 2015.
- Submissions to metadata retention and s 313 Telecommunications Act inquiries - March 2015.
- Welcome interns Jessica, Tim, Paolo and Gary for summer and session 1 2015.
- Launch: Online Hate Prevention Institute launches an online hate reporting tool on 6pm, December 9th, eve of International Human Rights Day, supported by CLPC. Details of launch in East Sydney and tool at:
- Panel: D Vaile on Right to Be Forgotten at IAPPANZ Summit, November 2014.
- Convenors Lyria Bennett Moses, Alana Maurushat and David Vaile participate in two new collaborations, Data2Decisions CRC and Australian Centre for Cyber Security at ADFA. July 2014
- Seminar: Big Data: the challenge to privacy and "informed consent", D Vaile with Lyria Bennett Moses and Holly Raiche co-hosted with IEEE SSIT and CLPC, UNSW Law Staff Common Room, level 2 Law Building - 6 for 6:15, 22 May 2014
- Seminar: presentation on "Piracy" or "the customer is always right"? Licensing Executives of ANZ (LESANZ), Minter Ellisons - 15 May 2014
- Submission: to ALRC's Serious invasions of privacy in the digital era (Bennett Moses, Vaile, Cater and Maurushat) - 12 May 2014
- Submission: to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee inquiry on the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Amendment (Classification Tools and Other Measures) Bill 2014) (Bennett Moses, Vaile and Cater) - 1 May 2014
- Media: Technology Quarter on ABC2 covers Big Data - 22 April 2014
- Seminar: Law Society of NSW 'Thought Leaders' forum on Internet governance, presentation by D. Vaile - March 2014
- Interns: Welcome to summer and session 1 interns Sasha, Natasha, Daniel, Annette and Annie.
- Re-branding: From late 2013 we become 'Cyberspace Law and Policy Community.'
- Infographic: intern Michael Altit offers a quick introduction to the perils of In-App Payments, including a link to a paper and an ABC report - October 2013/ March 14
- Panel: NICTA Networks Research Group and UNSW CSE hosts a panel on 'Cyber crime defence and privacy [PDF]' at ATP. Panelists included Vijay Varadharajan, Gene Tsudik, Tim Strayer, Richard Bergman, Malcolm Crompton and David Vaile - Monday 21 October 2013
- Review: ALRC's 'Serious Invasions of Privacy in the Digital Era' inquiry advisory committee includes former academic director Prof G Greenleaf, and D Vaile - late September.
- Media: ABC TV 7:30 Report covers Gmail 'no expectation of privacy' story, interviews D. Vaile - 4 September
- LawTechTalk: Professor Lee Bygrave (U Oslo Faculty of Law) 'New privacy developments in Europe' EU's new Regulation to replace 1995 Data Protection Directive, including a 'right to be forgotten'. UNSW Law Faculty - Tuesday 23 July
- CLE Seminar: Prof Graham Greenleaf presents 'Data Privacy Laws in Asia: 2013 update', UNSW - Tuesday 23 July
- Interns: Welcome interns Michael Altit, Alison Briggs, Alison Chow, Justin Huang and Mark Susanto
- Report: Data Sovereignty and the Cloud - Technical, legal and risk governance issues around data hosting and jurisdiction. Launched by ACMA Chair Chris Chapman with panel of Adrian Lawrence (co-auther from Baker & McKenzie), David Vaile (co-author/editor from CLPC), Craig Scroggie (NEXTDC CEO) and Eric Lowenstein (cyber-risk expert from insurer Aon) - 2 July 2013
- Presentation: 'Privacy v. the public interest' at forum for ACMA Contemporary Community Standards Inquiry, D Vaile - 25 June 2013
- Submission to Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs about the Privacy Amendment (Privacy Alerts) Bill (cited in its Report) - 20 June 2013
- ALRC Discussion Paper 79 cites submissions from Lyria Bennett Moses et al in relation to data-mining and copyright, inter alia - June 2013.
- Presention: 'Social Media and Privacy', Privacy Compliance and Reform Forum, D Vaile, Sydney [PPT] - 13 June 2013
- Congratulations former intern and staff researcher Sara Lux-Lee for new role as National Copyright Manager for Department of Education and Communities - June 2013
- Media: The Checkout, ABC TV's consumer edutainment show, features D Vaile on click wrap contracts, Episode 9 - 23 May 2013.
- Welcome interns Ashan Shanjeeva, Felix Liu, Ryan Ruslim, Tia Singh
- Presentation: Judicial College of Victoria on social media and suppression, D. Vaile - March 2013
- Workshop: techological aspects of copyright for the ALRC 'Copyright and the Digital Economy' inquiry with Prof Jill McKeough. (See our analysis of submissions.) UNSW - 28 February 2013.
- Welcome summer interns including Alice Yang, Sarah Gee and David Lee - December 2012 to February 2013.
- Submission to Copyright and the Digital Economy review by ALRC - 30 November 2012. [PDF]
- Report: Alana Maurushat co-author and advisor in Kelly, Cook, and Truong (eds.) Freedom on the Net: A Global Assessment of Internet
and Digital Media, Freedom House, 2012 ed - 24 September 2012

- Interns and researchers: Welcome interns Jacqueline Au, Tim Chiang, Bonnie Chow, Eliss Kong and researcher Alison Cook (cloud computing). - July 2012
- Fact Sheet: ACTA and Australian consumers and business, PDF, Michael Liu - 1 June
- BrainFood lecture: "It won't happen to me" - Cybercrime Myths and Misconceptions, Alana Maurushat, Community Academic Director, shared latest UNSW research; Ken Gamble of Internet Fraud Watchdog explored trends in cybercrime and implications for business and community; Mike Taylor, Money Management offered a personal story of how business copes with an attack ; and Bruce van der Graaf, Fraud & Cybercrime Squad, NSW Police Force outlined work in detecting, intercepting and preventing internet fraud and piracy. UNSW Scientia - 30 May 2012
- TV forum: 'Freedom of the Press', State of the Nation on Sky TV, D. Vaile on panel with Press Council's Prof Disney, Convergence Review Chair Glen Boreham, journalists Chris Merritt, George Negus, Richard Ackland, UNSW's Dr Paul Jones et al. - 28 May
- Presentation: NSW Privacy Commissioner's Office, online privacy precautions, D. Vaile - 17 May
- Presentation: 'Re-training a generation of perpetual "naughty teens" about the joys of compliance?,' D. Vaile at ATO Cash Economy International Revenue Conference, Sydney- 16 May
- Report: "Drowning in Codes of Conduct: An analysis of codes of conduct applying to online activity in Australia" by Chris Connolly and D Vaile [PDF], research supported by auDA Foundation, launched on World Consumer Rights Day at ACCC-hosted national consumer forum in Melbourne - 15 March 2012
- Welcome interns Peter Key-Matuszak, Sasha Kolodking, Aley Greenblo, Thomas Binettter, Nikki Edwards, David Frew and Jeremy Roth - 29 February 2012
- Fact sheet: 'SOPA and PIPA for Australian Internet users' based on work by Natalie Ho, Chris Conolly and David Vaile. [HTML] [PDF] - 3 February 2012.
- Conference: colleague David Lindsay is hosting 'Emerging Challenges in Privacy Law: Australasian and EU Perspectives' at Monash U. Community associates presenting - 23-24 February.
- Report in final draft: auDA-supported report on the multiplicity of Internet Codes will be launched in early 2012.
- Welcome summer intern Natalie Ho - December 2011.
- 2010 intern Lauren Loz presents a JMRC-hosted talk on Intermediary Liability in Australia and its 'trickle down' effect, arising from her recent work as Google Policy Fellow. UNSW - 26 October
- Forum: SBS Insight features Alana Maurushat on 'Hacktivism' 27 September, and David Vaile on 'Privacy' 24 October 2011.
- Seminar: Darryl Mountain's 'The State of Play on Disruptive Innovations in Law' explores how Clayton Christensen's The Innovator's Dilemma applies to recent tech advances in legal services. Co-hosted with NSW Society for Computers and the Law at Minter Ellison, Level 19, 88 Philip St - 6:00 for 6:15, 13 October 2011 (note change from 19th).
- Blog: Community associates Lyria Bennett Moses and Sarah Lux launch 'The Social Interface', an interdisciplinary blog on the social implications of technology, supported by IEEE and NSW Young Lawyers. Guest posts welcome. - September 2011
- Code: ASIC issued a completely revised and updated Code of Conduct for Electronic Transactions. The new ePayments Code replaces the long standing EFT Code of Conduct, and applies to a broader range of online payment systems. Community Research Associate Chris Connolly was on the expert working group revising the Code. - 20 Septemberr 2011
- Consultation: Dept. PM&C consulted CLPC in preparation for their launch of a process for next year's Cyber White Paper. See today's Discussion Paper, submissions due 15 Nov (amongst the Convergence Review, revised Cybercrime bill, Classification Review and Media Inquiry) - September 15 2011
- Talk: "The Adaptive Moment: A Fresh Approach to Convergent Media in Australia" by Community collaborator Prof Catharine Lumby, UNSW - 1 Sep 2011
- Submission: A. Maurushat drafted a submission for Joint Select Committee on Cyber-Safety on Cybercrime Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 to implement CoE Convention on Cybercrime, with C. Connolly and D. Vaile appearing before Committee in support - 1 August 2011
- Survey: Former research partner Consumers International are conducting a Survey on access to broadband, with ACCAN coordinating the Australian part, and we invite you to complete the survey HERE - 1 August 2011
- Research Project: auDA Foundation is supporting a research project to identify, analyse and compare Codes which may apply to a consumer's use of internet services in Australia, led by Chris Connolly and David Vaile.
- Presentation: 'Orphan Works: A Significant Legal Risk for Universities – Hopes for a Remedy?' D. Vaile at the National Higher Education Legal Practice Symposium - 28 July 2011
- Submission: Dr L. Bennett Moses made a submission to the ALRC's National Classification Scheme Review, not to be confused with the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs References C'tee's recent Review of the National Classification Scheme - 15 July 2011
- Past submission: Discussion of a legislated right to sue for breach of privacy may be assisted by our original 'Interpreting Privacy Principles' submission in 2007 : 'In support of a statutory privacy action in Australian law: Submission to the Aust. Law Reform Commission on the Review of Australian Privacy Law 'Discussion Paper 72', and to NSWLRC on Consultation Paper 1 ‘Invasion of Privacy’,' Prof G. Greenleaf and N. Waters. - July 2011
- Welcome S2 interns K. Ko, Y. Lutsyk, M. Macnamara, E. Park, A. Soetanto, A. Vithanage and B. Yiu (UTS); congratulations to former intern L. Loz on her research internship at Google. - July 2010
- Workshops: Community personnel participated in CyberSecruity Awareness Week events including IIA/AGD Cloud Security forum, and ACCAN Smartphone panel and workshop - 2 June 2011
- Report: An overview of international
cyber-security awareness
raising and educational
initiatives, a report for ACMA by Galexia Consulting in partnership with the Community, was launched in CyberSecruity Awareness week - May 30 2011
- Seminar: 'Egypt's Cyber Revolution', Dr Mohamed Chawki, judge from the Egyptian Council of State and cybercrime expert, at UNSWLaw Staff Common Room. Presentation: Tweeting from Tahrir Square [PPT] Video [MP3] - 18 May 2011
- Visiting Fellow Chris Connolly helps out ACCAN as locum policy manager for several months - May-June 2011.
- Seminar: 'NBN: the game changer for telecoms regulation', research associates Rob Nicholls, Holly Raiche and John Corker at Continuing Legal Education's workshop, hosted by Community, Sydney CBD - April 2011.
- Presentation: 'Social networking challenges for policing', D. Vaile presents to international 'Pearls In Policing' law enforcement workshop, Brisbane - March 2011
- Presentation: 'Electronic health records, privacy and clinical outcomes', D. Vaile at the Medico-Legal Conference, Sydney - 29 March 2011
- Welcome s1 interns R. Chen, J. Lee, J. Manne, A. Plummer, R. Roca and A. Wong.
- Workshop: In our Orphan Works project supported by Copyright Agency Ltd, the Workshop offered an opportunity to discuss options for resolving Orphan Works dilemmas. See Flyer, and draft Resources List and Timeline for recent developments. UNSW Law Faculty - 8 February, 2011
- Welcome summer intern P. Kandaswamy - Dec-February
- Forum: centre participates in IIA/CCI joint industry/academia research forum, Baker & McKenzie Sydney - 2 December 2010
- Forum: We present ACCAN privacy complaints report at the Communications Policy & Research Forum which was also supported by the Centre, Sydney CBD - 15 November 2010
- Forum: ACCAN Research Linkage Forum, C Connolly presents Telco Privacy Complaints report, hosted by ACCAN, Sydney CBD - 10 November 2010
- LawTechTalk: Development and Implementation of CyberLaw in Indonesia, Dr. Sinta Dewi,
Faculty of Law, Padjadjaran University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, UNSW Law 101 - 2 November 2010 [Crikey coverage, account required]
- Launch: UNSW Law Journal Forum 16(1) on cyberspace law, edited by former intern Renee Watt, contributions by centre associates L Bennett Moses, A Maurushat and A Steel, foreword D Vaile, hosted by Freehills - 27 October 2010
- Forum: ISP-level Internet 'filtering': the path to Deep Packet Inspection, co-hosted with IEEE SSIT; register online via IEEE link, Baker & McKenzie, Sydney - 6-7, Thursday 30 September 2010.
- Network: Asian Privacy Scholars Network was formed, arising from the 'Interpreting Privacy Principles' project - September 2010
- Presentation: Alana Maurushat at Hi Tech Crime 2010 conference - September 2010
- Research Report: Connolly, C and Vaile, D. Communications privacy
complaints: in search of the right path with support of ACCAN. Report launched - 14 September 2010
The 'Facebook privacy defaults' graphic
(from Matt McKeon),
referred to in
media comments by us: |
[ >> Previous News and Events <<]
Selected recent publications by research associates and partners
- Vaile D," The Cloud and Data Sovereignty post Snowden," Australian Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, March 2014.
- Infographic: intern Michael Altit offers a quick introduction to the perils of In-App Payments, including a link to a draft paper and an ABC report - October 2013
- Vaile, D, Adrian Lawrence, Patrick Fair, kevin Kalnich. Data Sovereignty and the Cloud - Technical, legal and risk governance issues around data hosting and jurisdiction. Launched by ACMA Chair Chris Chapman - 2 July 2013
- Submission to Senate Standing Committees on Legal and Constitutional Affairs about the Privacy Amendment (Privacy Alerts) Bill (cited in its Report) - 20 June 2013
- Maurushat, Alana, co-author and advisor, Kelly, Cook, and Truong (eds.) Freedom on the Net: A Global Assessment of Internet
and Digital Media, Freedom House, 2012 ed.
- Submission to Copyright and the Digital Economy review by ALRC - 30 November 2012. [PDF]
- Connolly, Chris and D Vaile, "Drowning in Codes of Conduct: An analysis of codes of conduct applying to online activity in Australia" by [PDF], research supported by auDA Foundation, launched on World Consumer Rights Day at ACCC-hosted national consumer forum in Melbourne - 15 March 2012
- Natalie Ho, Chris Conolly and David Vaile 'SOPA and PIPA for Australian Internet users' [HTML] [PDF] - 3 February 2012.
- Waters, N. 'Privacy Impact Assessment in Hong Kong from an International Perspective,' paper for 1st HKU-UNSW Research Symposium, 2-3 December 2010, at UNSW.
- Connolly, C and Vaile, D, Communications privacy
complaints: in search of the right path, Report for Australian Communications Consumer Action Network, Sydney, September 2010. [PDF]
- Vaile, D. 'Shifting Sands? The moderate impact of Australia’s 2006 copyright exceptions,' chapter 3 in Malcolm, J. A2K for Consumers: Reports of Campaigns and Reports 2008-2010, Consumers International, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 2010 [PDF]
- Waters, N., submission to the Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee, 'Commonwealth FOI amendments shouldn’t miss the opportunity for real reform Submission on the Freedom of Information Amendment (Reform) Bill 2009 and Information Commissioner Bill 2009', January 2010 [PDF]
- Waters, N. and Paramaguru, A., Submission to the Australian Government, 'Response to the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) Privacy Report 108 Pt G', 31 January 2009 [PDF]
- Connolly, C. and Vierboom, A. 'Emerging Best Practice in Do Not Call Registers', Privacy Law and Business International, Vol. 101, October 2009, also available here.
- Greenleaf, G. and Vaile, D. "National and Global Dimensions of Public Rights in Copyright" , (2009) 6:2 SCRIPTed 197, August 2009 [guest editorial in 'Unlocking IP 2009: National and Global Dimensions of the Public Domain' conference special edition.] See related article
- Paramaguru, A. and Christou, S. "Extension of Legal Deposit: Recording Australia’s Online Cultural Heritage", (2009) 6:2 SCRIPTed 411
- Vaile, D. and Watt, R. 'Prohibited packets and the Great Firewall of Canberra: Inspecting the despicable, assessing the unacceptable', Telecommunications Journal of Australia, Volume 59, No. 2, p. 27.1, July 2009
- Vaile D., 'Internet filtering and young people - an annotated bibliography', Telecommunications Journal of Australia, Volume 59, No. 2, p. 28.1, July 2009