
Materials are now available for most speakers, under their
Day 1 – Thursday 18 November
Speakers for Session 1 -
Speakers for Session 2 -
Core legal issues in opening
up and locking up content
Speakers for Session 3 - Case Studies: Successes in sharing?
- Open Source Software: Pia
Smith, Linux
- Learning Activity Management System: James Dalziel
- Sharing E-Learning Resources in VET:
Vivienne Blanksby, Australian Flexible Learning Framework
- The teaching and learning exchange: Should sharing be
Loble, Strategic Planning & Regulation, DET
- Professor Graham
Greenleaf, UNSW Law Faculty,
Co-director, Baker & McKenzie Cyberspace Law and Policy
Speakers for Session 4 -
Licensing for sharing and trading
content: Working models?
- iCommons: Creative Commons:
Ian Oi, Blake Dawson Waldron
- Licensing multiple layers of intellectual Property
to the school sector: Nigel
Ward and Nicky
Pitkanen, The Le@rning Federation
- New publishing paradigms and the ‘Free-for
Education’ licence
Phillip Crisp,
Australian Government Solicitors
- Funding the Development of Free & Open Source Software:
Peter Eckersley, IPRIA
- Chair: Roger Clarke, Xamax Consultancy
Speakers for Session 5A -
Business Models for
sharing content
Speakers for Session 5B -
Rethinking copyright's
public domain - legal
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Day 2 – Friday 19 November
Speakers for Session
7A -
DRM Technologies: Flexibility and Interoperability
Speakers for Session
7B -
Implementing 'Free' or 'Open
Source' Software licences
Speakers for Panel
Discussion/Summary -
The future shape of copyright
and IP sharing and trading
- Participants drawn from speakers at the conference
Speakers for Session
9A - Global Standards and interoperability
Speakers for Session
9B -
Implementing ‘Open Content’ licences, including
'Free for Education'
Speakers for Session
10A -
Acquiring and Adapting: Re-use of Resources
- Public and private case studies, including
Greg Richard Body OnLine
- Chair: Dennis Macnamara, AEShareNet
Speakers for Session
10B -
Implementing Creative Commons licences
- Ian Oi, Blake Dawson Waldron
- Chair: Carol Fripp, AEShareNet
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