Parallel session 9A -
Global Standards and interoperability
'IP and the Virtuous Circle of Innovation, Interoperability,
and Standards'
IP resides in many places. Sometimes it remains hidden or
hoarded. In the context of learning, education, and training
it often gets buried – along with its social and economic
potential. This is despite the lip service that is paid to
ideals of knowledge sharing and the enabling infrastructure
that we already have. But as our networked environment expands,
as information and communications technologies become ubiquitous,
as technologies both diversify and converge, IP can be unlocked
by an increasing variety of means. It can also find new expression
in both process and artefact. This workshop will focus on
the relationship between innovation, interoperability, and
standards and how they might be brought into a virtuous alignment.
Jon Mason
Executive Consultant, education.au limited
Assistant Director, IMS Australia
Link to materials as [PPT]
and as [PDF]
Jon Mason is an Executive Consultant with education.au limited
where he has an advocacy role in development of interoperability
standards relevant to Internet-enabled education and training.
Since 2000 he has played a pivotal role in developing Australian
engagement in international e-learning specifications and
standards development. He chairs the Standards Australia
IT-019-1 Committee, heads the Australian delegation to ISO/IEC
JTC1 SC36, IT in Learning, Education and Training, and is
also an active participant in the IMS Global Learning Consortium
and the IEEE LTSC. During 2003-4 he was the Technical Editor
for the IEEE Digital Rights Expression Languages Recommended
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Tim Hand
Centre For Learning Innovation, DET NSW
Tim Hand has been occupied by issues of educational resource
production for the past sixteen years. During this period,
he has been involved in establishing publishing procedures
for education providers, securing projects for the schools
sectors, TAFE and commercial organisations, in national and
international markets.
More recently, Tim’s work has involved issues of wider
system integration involving CMS, LMS and access management.
He has also collaborated with the COLIS project (2002-2003)
led by Macquarie University. In 2003, Tim initiated a research
project on behalf of ANTA regarding an approach for the use
of Digital Rights Management (DRM) in exchanging learning
Currently, Tim is extending this work within the
NSW Department of Education and Training, Centre for
Learning Innovation,
leading projects on learning standards and systems integration
as manager of the Teaching and Learning Exchange (TaLE).
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Parallel session 9B -
Implementing ‘Open
Content’ licences, including
'Free for Education'
Link to presentation and
FfE Licence Model
'Open content' licencing is emerging as
a new means for managing the trading and sharing of IP
works. AEShareNet
has been at the forefront of this new wave, and has developed
a suite of open content solutions to suit the e-commerce
environment based on a series of licence templates.
Ensuring the effective use of these open content licence
templates requires a coherent, integrated business and process
model. You need to align e-business back office functionality
with the templates, and encourage organisations and individuals
to play. But practitioners and business managers are not
necessarily interested in the nuances and intricacies of
copyright law, metadata, search engine optimisation, and
licence conditions. These complexities need to be presented
in an accessible way if everyone involved is to appreciate
the potential of the new approach. AEShareNet has confronted
these implementation challenges over the last 2 years; the
successes and challenges will be revealed during this interactive
Carol Fripp M.Pub.Ad,
General Manager, AEShareNet
Carol Fripp has over 25 years involvement in the
Australian VET sector, from TAFE teacher through various
organizational consultant and change agent roles into managing
electronic service delivery options and ecommerce solutions
in a rapidly changing environment.
Carol has traveled widely over the last decade to keep current
with new initiatives and innovations in the global marketplace.
She has given several papers at national conferences through
Australia and was Keynote Speaker at New Zealand eFEST2003.
Her involvement with AEShareNet commenced in 1998 and continued
through its evolution until appointed as inaugural Board
Member in 1999 and subsequently moving into the role of General
Manager in January 2002.
Dennis Macnamara
Business Development manager, AEShareNet
Dennis Macnamara has
worked in vocational education for over 30 years in public
and private institutions
including 19 years for
TAFENSW (10 at the Open Training and Education
Network, OTEN), and five at the Securities Institute. His main
expertise is in the design and delivery of flexible and innovative
learning services. He has been responsible
for designing business models for the efficient organisation
of education and training and is passionate about holistic
approaches to the education business.
Dennis joined AEShareNet in 2002, attracted to its
potential to play a vital part in the infrastructure needed
to facilitate flexible
but efficient vocational education
in Australia. It is imperative intellectual property be carefully
managed in education, and that learning resources be used
as widely as possible. Dennis believes AEShareNet offers
an efficient global trading and sharing platform for learning
materials, a world first for Australia.
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