Australian Research Council
AEShareNet Ltd
(principal industry supporter)
Baker & McKenzie
(founding sponsor)

IBM Australia

Linux Australia

MacMillan, F. & Bowrey, K. (eds) New Directions
in Copyright Law, Volume 3. (Cheltenham, UK: Edward
Elger, 2006)
McKeough, J., Bowrey, K. & Griffith, P. Intellectual
Property: Commentary and Materials, 4th Edition (Sydney:
Law Book Co, 2006)
Rimmer, M. Digital Copyright and the Consumer Revolution:
Hands off my iPod (Edward Elger: Cheltenham, UK &
Northampton, Mass., 2007)
Pendleton, M.P. Lee, A. Intellectual Property in
Hong Kong (LexisNexis Butterworths, 2007)
Bowrey, K. “Fertile Ground: Law, innovation and
creative technologies”, F. Macmillan, U. Suthersanen
& M. Woodmansee (eds) New Directions in Copyright
Law: Volume 4 (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elger, 2006)
Bowrey, K. “The New, the Bad, the Hot, the Fad
- popular music, technology and the culture of freedom”,
F. Macmillan (ed) New Directions in Copyright Law:
Volume 2 (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elger, 2005) pp.
Bowrey, K. “Can we afford to think about copyright
in a global marketplace?”, F. Macmillan (ed) New
Directions in Copyright Law, Volume 1 (Cheltenham,
UK: Edward Elger, 2005) pp. 51-69
Mercurio, B.“TRIPS-Plus Provisions in Regional
Trade Agreements”, L. Bartels and F. Ortino (eds)
Regional Trade Agreements and the WTO Legal System
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006)
Mercurio, B. “Japan–Mexico Economic Partnership
Agreement: Completing The Matrix” in L. Trakman,
N. Ranieri, M. Lopez (eds), Doing Business in Mexico
(New York: Transnational Publishing, 2005) pp. 1-34
Pendleton, M. ‘The Digital Divide’, Information
& Communications Technology Law (Routledge Press,
Pendleton, M. ‘Honest Copying – the Gist
of Intellectual Property’ (Hong Kong: Hong Kong
Law Journal Ltd, 2006)
Rimmer, M. “The Garden of Australian Dreams: The
Moral Rights of Landscape Artists”, F. MacMillan
and K. Bowrey (eds) New Directions in Copyright, Volume
3. (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2006) pp. 132-168
Journal articles:
Bildstein, B. "Finding
and Quantifying Australia's Online Commons" (2007)
4(1) SCRIPT-ed 8
Bond, C. "More Convenient Copyright? The Copyright
Amendment Act 2007" (2006) 66 Computers &
Law 1, 3-6
Bond, C. “Reconciling Crown Copyright with Reuse
of Government Information: An Analysis of the CLRC Crown
Copyright Review” (2007) 12(3) Media and Arts
Law Review 343
Bond, C. Paramaguru A. and Greenleaf, G. “Advance
Australia Fair: The Australian Copyright Reform Process”
(2007) 10 (3/4) Journal of World Intellectual Property
Bond, C. "Simplification
and Consistency in Australian Public Rights Licences"
(2007) 4(1) SCRIPT-ed 38
Bond, C. “Legal Controversies Surrounding Wikipedia”
(2007) 68 Australian and New Zealand Journal for Computers
and the Law 4
Bowrey, K. and Rimmer, M. "Rip,
Mix, Burn: The Politics of Peer to Peer" (2005) 10(7)
First Monday: Special Issue: Music and the Internet
Bowrey, K. “Who writes the communication rules
that underpin internet legal practice” (2005) 8(4)
Internet Law Bulletin 49
Bowrey, K. “Alternative intellectual property?:
Indigenous protocols, copyleft and new juridifications
of customary practices” (2006) 6 Macquarie Law
Journal 65
Bowrey, K. “Can a public-minded copyright deliver
a more democratic internet?” (2007) 56 University
of New Brunswick Law Journal 26
Clarke R. "A
Proposal for an Open Content Licence for Research Paper
(Pr)ePrints" (2005) 10(8) First Monday
Clarke R. "Google's
Gauntlets - Challenges to 'Old World Corps', Consumers
and the Law" (2006) 22(4) Computer Law & Security
Report 288
Clarke, C. "Business
Models to Support Content Commons" (2007) 4(1) SCRIPT-ed
Clarke R. "The
Cost-Profiles of Alternative Approaches to Journal Publishing"
(2007) 12(12) First Monday
Greenleaf, G. "Introduction
to the SCRIPT-ed Special Issue 'Creating Commons'"
(2007) 4(1) SCRIPT-ed: Unlocking IP 2006 Conference
Special Issue
Greenleaf, G. "Creating
commons by friendly appropriation" (2007) 4(1) SCRIPT-ed
Mercurio, B. “Resolving the Public Health Crisis
in the Developing World: Problems
and Barriers of Access to Essential Medicines” (2007)
5 Northwestern
Journal of International Human Rights 1
Pendleton, M. “Balancing Competing Interests in
Information Products; a Conceptual Rethink” (2005)
14(3) Information & Communications Technology
Law 241
Pendleton, M. “Change of the Watch” (2006)
17(1) Australian Intellectual Property Journal
Rimmer, M. "Bloomsday: Copyright Estates and Cultural
Festivals" (2005) 2(3) SCRIPT-ed 383
Rimmer, M. "Robbery
Under Arms: Copyright Law and the Australia-United States
Free Trade Agreement" (2006) 11(3) First Monday
Suzor, N., Harpur, P. and Thampapillai, D. "Digital
Copyright and Disability Discrimination: From Braille
Books to Bookshare" Media & Arts Law Review
(2008 in publication)
Conference papers:
Bildstein, B. "Finding
and Quantifying Australia's Online Commons" [2006]
AIPLRes 6, Unlocking IP 2006 Conference, UNSW
Sydney, 10 - 11 July 2006
Bond, C. "Simplification
and Consistency in Australian Public Rights Licences"
[2006] AIPLRes 3, Unlocking IP 2006 Conference,
Sydney, 10 -11 July 2006
Bond, C. “Copyright Criminals and Death of the
Commons”, Outlaws: Australian National University
College of Law Postgraduate Research Conference, 6 –
7 June 2007
Bowrey, K. and Anderson, J."The
Imaginary Politics of Access to Knowledge: Whose Cultural
Agendas are Being Advanced?" [2006] AIPLRes
13, Unlocking IP 2006 Conference, UNSW Sydney, 10 - 11
July 2006
Bowrey, K and Anderson, J. “The Imaginary Context
of Access to Knowledge”, Con/texts of Invention
Conference, Society for Critical Exchange, Case Western
Reserve University, Ohio, USA, 20-23 April 2006
Fitzgerald, B. "Conceptualising
a Right to Share/Access Knowledge" [2006] AIPLRes
15, Unlocking IP 2006 Conference, Sydney, 10-11 July 2006
Greenleaf, G. "Creating
commons by friendly appropriation" [2006] AIPLRes
10, Unlocking IP 2006 Conference, Sydney, 10 -11 July
Greenleaf, G., Vaile, D. and Chung, P. "Unlocking
IP - National dimensions of public rights and the public
domain in Australian Copyright", Canada-Australia
Comparative IP & Cyberlaw Conference, University of
Ottawa, October 2005
Paramaguru, A. and Vaile, D. “GPLv3 and Australia
issues paper”, GPLv3 Symposium, University of New
South Wales, November 2006
- Yu, R., Fast, S. and Vaile, D. “Office Open XML
and the promise not to sue: Opportunity or minefield?”,
Working paper produced for OOXML Symposium University
of New South Wales, 14 December 2007
Submissions (also listed on Submissions page)
Graham Greenleaf, David Vaile, Catherine Bond, Sophia Christou, Making Victoria’s Public Sector Information More Useful: Submission to the Economic Development and Infrastructure Committee, Victoria, Inquiry into Improving Access to Victorian Public Sector Information & Data, 5 September 2008
Graham Greenleaf, Abi Paramaguru, Catherine Bond, Sophia Christou, Legal
deposit's role in the public domain, Attorney-General's Department
and DCITA, Review of the Extension of Legal Deposit, [2008] UNSWLRS 38, 2 May
Graham Greenleaf, Unlocking
IP to stimulate Australian innovation - An Issues Paper Review of the National
Innovation System, [2008] UNSWLRS 44, 30 April 2008
Graham Greenleaf, Alana Maurushat, David Vaile, Catherine Bond and Abi Paramaguru, "Not a fair trade: Australia's TPM protection and AUSFTA-inspired reforms", Submission on the exposure draft Bill on technological protection measures (TPMs), [2007] UNSWLRS 19, 30 October 2006
Graham Greenleaf and Catherine Bond, Fair dealing provisions and ‘reasonable portion': Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Copyright Amendment Bill 2006, 30 October 2006