Australian Research Council
AEShareNet Ltd
(principal industry supporter)
Baker & McKenzie
(founding sponsor)

IBM Australia

Linux Australia

Conferences and Events
This page is for events supporting research and collaborative activities in the 'Unlocking IP' research project, including conferences, forums, seminars, and continuing legal education and postgraduate courses and workshops. It will be updated as events are finalised. See also front page for current news and events.
News and events
- The UIP Conference: Unlocking IP 2009: Global and national aspects of the information commons, UNSW - 16–17 April 2009
- LawTechTalk: "Intellectual
Property Transplants in the Digital Age," Prof.
Peter Yu, director of the IP Law Center at Drake University
Law School, UNSW - 28 November 2008
- Conference: Prof Greenleaf presents at 'Building
an Australasian Commons', Creative Commons Australia,
Brisbane - 24 June 2008
- LawTechTalk: 'Sharing
info on the 'Semantic Web' or 'Giant Global Graph': unresolved
legal issues', UNSW law room 101, 1-2 pm Wednesday 14
May 2008 Submissions: Legal
deposit's role in the public domain - 2 May 2008; Unlocking IP to stimulate innovation in Australia- 30 April 2008
- LawTechTalk: 'The
Winny case: Cybercrime and copyright law in Japan',
Prof. Makoto Ibusuki, UNSW Law - 19 March 2008
- Seminar: Prof Jane Winn, US online
contracts and consumer regulation expert, Consumer
Protection in the 'Information Economy' lecture co-hosted
with CHOICE, and a workshop, intro by Chris Connolly, on proposed Consumer
Digital Rights Charter, UNSW Law Theatre G23 -
7 March 2008
- Symposium on The proposed OO XML ISO file format standard, with sesssions and background on technical and legal issues UNSW. Includes materials, links, photos. Participants from Microsoft, Linux Australia, IBM, Open Source Industry Australia, National Archives, Google, Standards Australia and experts from US, HK and NZ. UNSW 14 December 2007
- 'Increasing Consumers Voice in Intellectual Property Policy', side event at Consumers International World Congress 2007 supported by Centre. North Sydney 29 October 2007
- Digital Copyright & the Consumer Revolution: Hands off my iPod by research associate Matthew Rimmer, Senior Lecturer at ACIPA, ANU. Book launch, National Library, Canberra 21 September 2007
- LawTechTalk: 'The Democratic Deficit in Copyright Law: A Legislative Proposal', Maureen O'Sullivan, Lecturer, University of Ireland, Galway. UNSW Law Faculty 25 July 2007
'Commons in IP', two-day intensive LLM (LAWS5239) and CLE course investigating the public domain and public rights in copyright law. UNSW Law Faculty Fri 11–Sat 12 May 2007
'Digital Copyright Update' CLE seminar: Cooper link authorisation, Copyright Act amendments, temp. copies, and ISP, content provider and user issues. Anne Flahvin & Ross McLean (Baker & Mckenzie), Nick Abrahams (Deacons), Michael Williams (Gilbert + Tobin) and Nathan Mattock (Gadens). Grace Hotel Sydney 13 March 2007
- Australasian IP Law Resources page has been updated with papers from the Unlocking IP 2006 Conference. This resource is the repository for all materials produced in the Unlocking IP project.
- Visit of researchers from Korea's Program Deliberation and Mediation Committee (PDMC).
- The program and papers for the 'Unlocking IP 2006' conference UNSW July 10-11 2006 are available, with AEShareNet as main industry supporter.
- 'Software Freedom Day': Linux Australia and the Centre co-host a conference where culturalists, journalists, technologists and politicians discuss how software freedom affects you and your life. UNSW 16 September 2006
LawTechTalk: The
new "Protectionism": Can copyright TPMs deliver a fair
result for the new digital consumer and producer? by James
Love, international digital consumer advocate, co-hosted
with CHOICE. UNSW Law building G02 13 November 2006, Prof Graham Greenleaf, Gordon Renouf, CHOICE
- Symposium: GPL v3 and Australia forum
on the main Free Software licence, with Andrew Tridgell, FSF's
Moglen and cast of experts, supported by Linux Australia.
UNSW - UNSW Law G02 30 November 2006, Dr Roger Clarke
- Graduate legal researcher position for the UNSW aspect of the project has been filled by Abi Paramaguru.
- CLPC hosted a LawTechTalk for Screenrights EnhanceTV service and related issues in April 2006
- AEShareNet hosted a conference to launch the Adelphi Charter in Sydney in March 2006
- Two APAI postgraduate PhD research positions are associated with the project, with stipends supporting the completion of a PhD at UNSW. They have been filled by Catherine Bond and Ben Bildstein.
- A graduate technical research associate position has been filled at AustLII
Conferences run for the UIP project
Previous events
Earlier related events included other symposia and forums in which project members participated. See also CyberLPC's past event pages.
- Adelphi Charter launch AEShareNet (originators of the 'Free for Education' and other licence protocols) hosted a conference in Sydney to launch the recently-developed Adelphi Charter on intellectual property and the public interest. 'Making the most of creativity: In the Public Interest! Sharing knowledge and rewarding innovation' - March 3 2006
- Google: Infinite Library, Copyright Pirate, or Monopolist? forum at ANU(Matthew Rimmer, Roger Clarke and National Institute of Social Science and Law) 12–2pm - Friday 9 Dec
- 12th Biennial Copyright Symposium, 'Copyleft in practice: issues and perspectives' panel (Ian Oi, Rusty Russell and David Vaile) - 17–18 Nov 2005
- Digital Rights Management: Technology, Issues, Challenges and Systems panel North Sydney (David Vaile) - 1 Nov 2005
- Canada-Australia Comparative IP and Cyberlaw Conference, Ottowa (Caroline Penfold and David Vaile) - 30 Sep-1 Oct 2005
- Electronic Digital Theses Symposium, UNSW (Philip Chung) - 28-30 Sept 2005
- Launch of CommonLII for 50 Commonwealth and common law countries, London (Graham Greenleaf and Philip Chung) - 18 Sept 2005
- RFID and standards conference panel, Sydney (David Vaile) - 18 Aug 2005
- Open Source Forum Anti-circumvention and software development materials available. - 2 June 2005
- 'Rebuilding the Commons: New approaches to copyright and licensing for education', Greenleaf, Vaile and Ian Oi, UNSW Library Online Services Department. - 20 May 2005
- Copyright Research Network workshop hosted by Dr Kathy Bowrey: Developments in Rights Neighbouring on Copyright (privacy, moral rights, resale rights, broadcasting and performer’s rights). UNSW - 30 March 2005
- 'Creative commons and knowledge management', NSW Knowledge Management Forum, Sydney. - 3 March 2005
- Open Source Forum: Linux on the Desktop. UTS - 3 March 2005
- 'Unlocking IP' Conference at UNSW - materials available on speaker pages. 'Open Content', free and open source software, copyright, licensing, educational collaboration. - 18- 19 November 2004
- Open Source Forum on Patents and software, co-hosted by Linux Australia and OSIA. - CBD, 3 November 2004
- LawTechTalk: Richard Stallman on The Danger of Software Patents. Pioneer of GNU/Linux, GPL 'CopyLeft' licence, with UNSW CompSoc; includes audio. - UNSW, 14 October 2004
- Creative Licensing to Expand Australia’s Public Domain, launch AESN Free for Education 'open content' licence, Creative Commons Australian version, at Baker & McKenzie Sydney. - 11 May 2004
- A-US FTA and Intellectual Property symposium at Baker & McKenzie, with references. - 28 April 2004
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