Australian Research Council
AEShareNet Ltd
(principal industry supporter)
Baker & McKenzie
(founding sponsor)

IBM Australia

Linux Australia

The "Unlocking IP" Research Project
"Unlocking IP" is a research project supported by a 2005-2009 ARC Linkage grant to a consortium led by UNSW's Prof Graham Greenleaf, contributions from industry partners, and hosting from Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre. You can find:
News and Events
- The Centre is assisting Copyright Agency Ltd in a followup research project on Orphan Works in 2010.
- The Centre is assisting Consumers International in a followup research project on the impact of the 2006 Copyright Act amendments in 2009 and 2010.
- Graham Greenleaf presents at GLAMWiki (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums & Wikimedia: Finding the common ground), Australian War Memorial, Canberra - 6-7 August 2009
- The UIP Conference: Unlocking IP 2009: Global and national aspects of the information commons, including round table on consumer and public interest copyright issues, UNSW - 16–17 April 2009
- LawTechTalk: "Intellectual
Property Transplants in the Digital Age," Prof.
Peter Yu, director of the IP Law Center at Drake University
Law School, UNSW - 28 November 2008
- Conference: Prof Greenleaf presents at 'Building
an Australasian Commons', Creative Commons Australia,
Brisbane - 24 June 2008
- LawTechTalk: 'Sharing
info on the 'Semantic Web' or 'Giant Global Graph': unresolved
legal issues', UNSW law room 101, 1-2 pm Wednesday 14
May 2008 Submissions: Legal
deposit's role in the public domain - 2 May 2008;
Unlocking IP to stimulate innovation in Australia- 30 April 2008
- LawTechTalk: 'The
Winny case: Cybercrime and copyright law in Japan',
Prof. Makoto Ibusuki, UNSW Law - 19 March 2008
- Seminar: Prof Jane Winn, US online
contracts and consumer regulation expert, Consumer
Protection in the 'Information Economy' lecture co-hosted
with CHOICE, and a workshop,
intro by Chris Connolly, on proposed Consumer
Digital Rights Charter, UNSW Law Theatre G23 -
7 March 2008
- Symposium
on The proposed
OO XML ISO file format standard, with sesssions
and background on technical and legal issues UNSW. Includes
materials, links, photos. Participants from Microsoft, Linux
Australia, IBM, Open Source Industry Australia, National
Archives, Google, Standards Australia and experts from US,
HK and NZ. UNSW 14 December 2007
- 'Increasing
Consumers Voice in Intellectual Property Policy', side
event at Consumers
International World Congress 2007 supported by Centre.
North Sydney 29 October 2007
- Digital Copyright
& the Consumer Revolution: Hands off my iPod
by research associate Matthew
Rimmer, Senior Lecturer at ACIPA, ANU. Book launch,
National Library, Canberra 21 September 2007
- LawTechTalk: 'The
Democratic Deficit in Copyright Law: A Legislative Proposal',
O'Sullivan, Lecturer, University of Ireland, Galway.
UNSW Law Faculty 25 July 2007
in IP', two-day intensive LLM (LAWS5239) and CLE course
investigating the public domain and public rights in copyright
law. UNSW Law Faculty Fri 11–Sat 12 May 2007
Copyright Update' CLE seminar: Cooper link
authorisation, Copyright Act amendments, temp.
copies, and ISP, content provider and user issues. Anne
Flahvin & Ross McLean (Baker & Mckenzie), Nick
Abrahams (Deacons), Michael Williams (Gilbert + Tobin)
and Nathan Mattock (Gadens). Grace Hotel Sydney 13 March
'IP Information as a Business Tool in
the Asia-Pacific session', IP Australia 'Trading Ideas: the future of IP in the Asia Pacific' conference.
David Vaile session chair. Sydney Hilton 30 January 2007
2006 conference
The archived link for the
2006 'Unlocking IP' conference at UNSW is here: 2006
2004 conference materials archive
The original joint 'Unlocking IP' conference was in 2004
at UNSW.
It was initially at this address. The archived URL for the
original 2004 'Unlocking IP' conference is:
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