Australian Research Council
AEShareNet Ltd
(principal industry supporter)
Baker & McKenzie
(founding sponsor)

IBM Australia

Linux Australia

Call for Papers
Unlocking IP 2006 Conference
Creating Commons: The Tasks Ahead in Unlocking IP
Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 July 2006 9am - 5pm
AGSM, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
The Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre at UNSW Law Faculty will host the two-day Unlocking IP 2006 Conference 'Creating Commons: The Tasks Ahead in Unlocking IP' on Monday 10 and Tuesday 11 July 2006.
Call for Papers
Submission of papers is invited on any area of research related to 'unlocking IP', and in particular these five key themes:
Analysing public rights
How should we understand public rights, commons and the public domain, and their role(s) in intellectual property and in public policy? What interests, policies and theories should underpin efforts to expand and protect them? To what extent is there an Australian public domain?
Licensing for public rights
How can licences which create public rights achieve goals such as consistency, simplicity, and effectiveness? What difficulties currently exist, and how can they be overcome?
Finding the public domain
How can we find works with public rights more effectively? What tools do we need to enable us to do so? How can we find what is in Australia's public domain?
Expanding public rights
What types of incentives are effective to encourage IP owners to create public rights? When should law impose requirements to create or not impede public rights ? What effects to existing or proposed laws have on the scope of public rights?
Optimising educational access
What approaches best assist educational institutions to licence materials produced in the 'outside world', or to self manage access to materials they produce? How is sharing and trading of IP best balanced within education?
Conference history and sponsors
This is the second Unlocking IP Conference, following the successful 2004 Conference also held at UNSW and jointly hosted by the Centre and AEShareNet.
The Conference is part of the UnlockingIP Project, a research project funded by the Australian Research Council. The research investigates how Australia's digital commons, comprising both the public domain and public rights created by open content and open software licensing, can be expanded and protected. It focuses on 'self help' actions within the existing statutory context, in Australia's distinct legal and cultural context, and on comprehensiveness. The project's Background Paper sets this out in more detail.
UnlockingIP's principal industry partner and Conference sponsor is AEShareNet , the online service for trading and sharing of learning materials. Details of all industry partners are on the project website .
Submission of papers
Proposed papers should be forwarded to the Conference Manager, David Vaile <d.vaile [at] unsw.edu.au>. Notification of intention to submit is welcome before the due dates.
Key Dates:
24 April 2006 - Submission of extended abstract or draft full paper if refereeing is required
8 May 2006 - Notifications of acceptance sent out (some papers may be accepted earlier)
18 June 2006 - Final papers due
The Conference will included some invited presentations in addition to submitted papers (refereed and non-refereed). Submitted papers will not be automatically subjected to a formal refereeing process, but submitters may request formal refereeing of their paper. Any papers accepted after refereeing will be marked 'Refereed Paper' in the Conference Proceedings.
All presented papers and presentation materials will be published subsequent to the Conference on the project website and database on AustLII. Selected papers may be invited to submit to a special issue of a law journal on the conference themes.
Conference registrations
Conference registration details will be available on the project website, with Registration opening in early May. Requests to be notified may be sent to the Conference Manager, David Vaile <d.vaile [at] unsw.edu.au>.
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