Unlocking IP 2009 Conference
"National and Global Dimensions of the Public Domain"
The following documents were received after the USB sticks with conference materials were burned.
The Program page has been updated to include these materials, but if you want to just add the new ones to your USB stick, you can get them from here.
- 1A Graham
Greenleaf (Faculty of Law, University of
NSW) -
National and International Dimensions of the Public
Domain [slides]
- 2A Ben
Bildstein (Faculty of Law, University of
The unit of the commons: a discussion of metrics for
online commons quantification [slides]
- 2B Ben
Atkinson (ARC Centre of Excellence for
Creative Industries and Innovation, Queensland University
of Technology)
History of Privatisation and the Public Domain [slides]
- 3A Sophia
Christou (Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre,
Faculty of Law, University of NSW)
content and the future of fair dealing [slides]
- 3B Delia
Browne (Ministerial Council on Employment,
Education, Training and Youth, NSW)
use and the Internet – does Australian copyright
law work in the web environment? [paper]
- 3B George
Tian (Faculty of Law, University of Technology, Sydney)
IP Abuse Rule: Another approach to protecting the public
domain [slides]
- Launch of The
Blog, Podcast, Vodcast and Wiki Copyright Guide for
Australia http://www.creativecommons.org.au/materials/Australian_Copyright_Blog_Guide.pdf
- 4A Jessica
Coates (Creative Commons Clinic, Queensland
University of Technology)
the most of what we’ve got – why we need
an Australian Creative Archive [slides]
- 4A Laura
Simes (Australian Digital Alliance; Australian
Libraries Copyright Committee)
flexible dealing provision for Australia's cultural
and educational institutions: What's it all about? How
are institutions using it? [slides]
- 4A Sarah
Waladan (Minter Ellison Lawyers, Sydney)
to Educational and Cultural materials following the
2006 Amendments: Are the reforms achieving their intended
goals? [slides]
- 4B: David
Vaile (Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre,
Faculty of Law, University of NSW)
We Scan: US government access policies and the revived
attempt to 'Reboot.Gov' [slides]
- 4B Waltraut
Ritter (Hong Kong Knowledge Management
Public Policies for Re-use of Government Information:
Starting the Public Discourse in Hong Kong [slides]
- 5A Anne
Fitzgerald (Faculty of Law, Queensland
University of Technology) and Kylie
Pappalardo (OAK Law Project, Faculty of
Law, Queensland University of Technology)
Towards Open Standards [slides]
- 5A Brianna
Laugher (President, Wikimedia Australia)
and Liam
Wyatt (Vice President, Wikimedia Australia)
in copyright / Copyright in Wikimedia [slides][video]
- 5A Richard Landauer (OpenAustralia.org) 'OpenAustralia.org’s experience with Open-source and content - a tiny case study' [slides]
- 6 James
Dalziel (Macquarie E-Learning Centre of
Excellence, Macquarie University, Sydney)
and Challenges for Open IP Business Models [slides]
- 7A Abi
Paramaguru (Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre,
Faculty of Law, University of NSW) and Catherine
Bond (Faculty of Law, University of NSW)
Blogged: Recording Australia’s (Online) Cultural
Heritage [slides]
- 7B Anne
Fitzgerald (Faculty of Law, Queensland
University of Technology)
Rights in Publicly-Funded Research [slides]