APEC Privacy Framework
This is the APEC Privacy Framework page of the "Interpreting
Privacy Principles" research project. [Some of this
work grew out of the Asia
Pacific Privacy Charter Council.]
Privacy Framework (40 page 194KB PDF) is a potentially
important influence on the development of privacy law and
regulation in Australia and the region.
Analysis of the Framework
(NB: 'APEC ECSG' means 'APEC E-Commerce
Steering Group')
- Nigel Waters' APEC update September 2010
- Nigel Waters' report from his participation in the APEC Data Privacy Subgroup and associated meetings in Japan, February 2010.
- Nigel Waters' report from his participation in the APEC Data Privacy Subgroup and associated meetings in Singapore, February 2009
- Nigel Waters' briefing for APEC Data Privacy Subgroup and associated meetings in Japan, February 2009
- Nigel Waters' report
from his participation in the APEC Data Privacy Subgroup
and associated meetings and his paper
from the APEC Technical Assistance Seminar on International
Implementation of the APEC Privacy Framework in Peru, August
2008. A summary is available here.
- Nigel Waters' report
and notes
from his participation in APEC privacy meeting in Peru
for NGOs, March and February 2008
- Nigel Waters, 'The
APEC Privacy Initiative – a civil society perspective
from late 2007', October 2007
- [other commentary] Dr Chris Pounder, 'Why
the APEC Privacy Framework is unlikely to protect privacy',
Out-Law, 15 October 2007
See also 'Proposed
global privacy standard is too vague and too weak, says
expert', Out-Law, 15 October 2007
APEC released the final version of what
is now called the APEC Privacy
Framework 2004 [PDF] following the APEC
meeting in Santiago Chile on 20 November 2004.
[Alternative HTML
APPCC Submission
on versions 9 and 10, 31 May 2004.
APEC ECSG Privacy Sub-Group Chair's draft,
Version 9
(28 February 2004).
APEC ECSG Privacy Sub-Group Chair's draft,
Version 3
(July 2003)
APEC ECSG Privacy Sub Group Chair's draft,
Version 2
(May 2003)
APEC ECSG Privacy Sub Group Chair's draft,
Version 1
(February 2003)
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The "Interpreting Privacy Principles" research project is supported by an ARC Discovery grant 2006-2009 to a research team based at the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, UNSW Faculty of Law.