
[Update: arising from this conference, a major ARC research grant was awarded in June 2005 to a consortium of participants. See the project page.]
Featuring cutting-edge perspectives from the frontiers of
education, law, publishing and IT, this
groundbreaking two-day
conference covered creative licensing, and explored
new models
for sharing and trading intellectual property works.
Materials are now available for most speakers –
see the relevant section.
People take extreme positions about intellectual property:
from 'maximalists' who advocate complete private control
through statutory rights, criminal penalties, contracts and
technological protection, to those who advocate a wish to
see as
many works as possible in the 'public domain', free of any
private rights. But many
works (including content and software) are now located on
a new continuum between these extremes. This conference
many points
and considered whether and how new models can be applied
to emerging problems.
Session topics covered:
- business models for publishing, IT and
- the copyrights continuum
analysis of licences
for 'Open Source' or 'Free' software, and 'Open
- sharing
and trading
- examples of good practice
- policy
directions from legal and educational perspectives
- overviews
of international
developments in this emerging field
Much of the focus is
on copyright, but there is also coverage
of the role of patents and other ways of managing intellectual
property in certain areas.
- legal pioneers James Boyle and Yochai Benkler
from the US
- DEST online copyright expert Evan Arthur
- Michael Fraser from Copyright Agency Ltd
- Prof Michael Pendelton from the
Law Review Committee
- lawyers Anne Flahvin, Brendan Scott, Ian Oi and Ross
- UNSW IP academics Jill McKeough,
Graham Greenleaf and
Kathy Bowrey
- Pia Smith
of Linux Australia
- AEShareNet chair Roger Clarke
- Kimberlee Weatherall
from IPRIA,
- and other eminent speakers and practitioners
from publishing, technology and
Unlocking IP will provide an outstanding
forum to explore IP and copyright issues,
of the “most contentious of the information millennium.”
If you work in education, publishing,
law or technology and want to challenge your
ideas on intellectual
or learn how to adapt to the opportunities raised by the
new models, this is the conference for you.
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