Unlocking IP 2006 Conference
"Creating Commons: The Tasks Ahead in Unlocking IP"
This page sets out the registration arrangements for presenters, speakers, panelists and chairs ("speakers").
We ask ALL attendees including speakers to register, irrespective of payment details.
The Concession cost recovery rate, below, is available to any speaker in any session for normal participation in one or both days of the conference, and the dinner. (You are also welcome to register at the normal Academic and educational rate if you prefer!)
Please download and print the registration form,
and fax or post with payment to CLE.
If, as an invited speaker, you are not able to participate for even one day of the conference, you may attend the half day in which you appear without charge. But please still fill in the registration form for the day, writing 'Speaker - session only' on the form, and a nil amount.
Speakers submitting papers as a result of the Call for Papers are of course strongly encouraged to participate in the conference for at least one day.
(NB: Participants from the Unlocking IP research project's sponsoring industry partners can contact us for special arrangements.)
Fee rates (inc. GST)
- Standard rate (government, professional and corporate):
- $770 both days, includes dinner
- $385 Day 1 or 2, excludes dinner
- Academic and education rate:
- $440 Both days, includes dinner
- $220 Day 1 or 2, excludes dinner
- Concession rate:
- $165 both days, includes dinner
- $88 1 day, excludes dinner
- Dinner only: $88 [price to be confirmed]
- Papers only: $110 (most will be available online)
The registration fees do not include accommodation. The fee includes conference pass, conference materials, morning and afternoon tea, and lunch. The conference dinner costs an extra amount for those who do not register for both days, and for extra guests.
Papers: please mail papers or presentations to UIP project researcher Abi Paramaguru on abi [at] austlii.edu.au
Please bring a backup copy on USB dongle or CD etc. in case our copy of the file is corrupted at some point.