How you can help
This page sets out how people in each of the categories below might help with or get involved in this 'Regulating Online Investing' research project, and phone and email details for us.
Please leave contact details so we can get in touch with you.
Survey: Regulating online investment – your chance to participate!
If you invest online, please complete the short survey below, to assist researchers from the University of NSW, Monash University and the Australian National University in assessing the need to provide protection for online investors through legal regulation. For more information about this research project, including confidentiality of your responses, please visit
We need online investors to interview (either individually or in focus groups). We are interested to talk to you and hear your online investing experiences. We are just as keen to hear about good experiences as not so good ones. We will come to you as we plan to talk to investors around Australia.
We are interested to hear from you even if you use online means to seek information and actually make your orders by telephone or fax. We are particularly interested to talk to people who once used online investing and have returned to the more traditional broker advisory method.
If you are interested, please leave a message at the following email address and we will contact you:
d.vaile [at] unsw.edu.au
[Email addresses have the @ symbol replaced to deter spam.]
Site operators
Talking to investors is very important to us, but only half the story. We need to understand the operations of the wide group of site operators in online investing. These include online brokers, information providers (portals, online financial newsletters, financial data and investing analysis providers) and community discussion forums (Internet chat sites and bulletin boards).
If you operate any such sites and would like to tell us about the challenges and successes of being an online investing site sponsor, we would very much like to hear from you.
If you are interested, please leave a message at the following email address and we will contact you:
d.vaile [at] unsw.edu.au
Postgraduate and other students
If you are interested in developing or furthering an interest in online investing regulation, we have an internship program through which you may be able to participate in the work of the project.
If you have legal, commercial or information technology experience you may find the project’s work particularly relevant. However, we have students working on the project who are developing expertise in one or more of these areas, and at the same time are making a very valuable contribution.
If you are interested, please leave a message at the following email address and we will contact you:
d.kingsfordsmith [at] unsw.edu.au
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