Online Investment regulationNew models for sharing and trading intellectual property
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  Postgrad study
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The Scope of the Project

This project will study the operating conditions and customer relations of online investing websites.

This will extend from online broker sites, through financial information providers to financial Internet discussion sites (chat rooms and bulletin boards) and the investor relations websites of corporations.

It will consider the ‘fit’ of existing financial regulation, to the operating conditions, customer agreements and other legal issues raised by doing financial transactions online. It will interview investors and site operators to understand not just what the law says, but also how online investing and its regulation works in fact.

It will also ask online investors about their experiences and expectations of online investing. Also the factors that have influenced their understanding and their online investment decision-making.

The results of the project will include practical recommendations for the reform of financial regulation affecting online investing, if required. It will also be a resource for information about the operation of online investing and its legal and regulatory implications. We hope it will be helpful in the development of law and online regulatory policy making, and future theory on regulating online contexts.

The project and this website do not provide:

  • information or advice for those undertaking online investing, or
  • training about online investing decision-making.

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