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The Asia-Pacific Privacy Charter initiative aims to create, through the formation of an Asia-Pacific Privacy Charter Council, a regional expert group which will develop independent standards for privacy protection in the region in order to influence the enactment of privacy laws in the region, and the adoption of regional privacy agreements, in accordance with those standards. The Charter Council's standards are intended to complement the inputs into the development of these laws and agreements from business, government and privacy officials, and challenges them to develop a high standard of privacy protection for the Asia-Pacific.
The Asia-Pacific Privacy Charter Council comprises a group of experts, drawn from countries in the Asia-Pacific region, with expertise and experience in matters relating to privacy and a commitment to privacy protection. The Charter Council will include experts from as many jurisdictions in the Asia-Pacific as possible. The Council includes former Commissioners and former officials of privacy protection bodies.
The convener, the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre at UNSW, invites suitably qualified experts from Asia-Pacific countries to join the Charter Council and provides secretariat services.
(Listed by country or region in alphabetic order)
Dr Lee Bygrave (http://folk.uio.no/lee/), author of Data Protection Law: Approaching its Rationale, Logic and Limits; Senior research fellow, Norwegian Research Centre for Computers and Law, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo, Norway.
Ms Julie Cameron, information systems consultant, formerly convenor, Australian Privacy Charter Council http://www.apcc.org.au/.
Professor Roger Clarke (http://www.anu.edu.au/people/Roger.Clarke/), consultant on e-commerce, data surveillance and privacy and information infrastructure; Visiting Professor at the University of New South Wales and the University of Hong Kong.
Mr Tim Dixon, Baker & McKenzie Sydney, author of Australian Private Sector Privacy Handbook; formerly Director, Australian Privacy Foundation http://www.privacy.org.au/.
Professor Graham Greenleaf (http://www2.austlii.edu.au/~graham/), University of New South Wales, Co-director of the Baker & McKenzie Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre; Co-director AustLII and WorldLII http://www.worldlii.org/; General Editor, Privacy Law & Policy Reporter.
Judge Kevin O'Connor, Chief Judge, NSW Administrative Decisions Tribunal; former Australian Privacy Commissioner.
Mr Nigel Waters, fair information practices consultant; former Deputy Australian Privacy Commissioner; Associate Editor, Privacy Law & Policy Reporter.
Professor Colin Bennett ( http://web.uvic.ca/polisci/bennett/), University of Victoria; author of Regulating Privacy: Data Protection and Public Policy in Europe and the United States (1992). He is also co-editor or Visions of Privacy: Policy Choices for the Digital Age (1999), and co-author of The Governance of Privacy: Policy Instruments in Global Perspective (Ashgate Press, 2003).
Professor David Flaherty, consultant on privacy and information policy; the first Information and Privacy Commissioner for the Province of British Columbia, Canada (1993-99); author of Protecting Privacy in Surveillance Societies (1989) and co-author of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: An Annotated Guide (2001).
Profesor David Lyon (http://qsilver.queensu.ca/sociology/dl.htm), Professor of Sociology and
Director of the Surveillance Project at Queen's University, Ontario; including The Electronic Eye: The Rise of Surveillance Society (1994), Computers, Surveillance and Privacy (with Elia Zureik 1996), Surveillance Society: Monitoring Everyday Life (2001), Surveillance as Social Sorting: Privacy, Risk, and Digital Discrimination (2002), and Surveillance after September 11 (2003). Co-editor of the e-journal Surveillance and Society http://www.surveillance-and-society.org/.Stephanie Perrin (http://www.digitaldiscretion.ca/company.htm), consultant, formerly Director of Privacy Policy for Industry Canada's E-commerce Task Force; former Chief Privacy Officer of Zero-Knowledge Systems; one of Canada's first Freedom of Information and Privacy Officers; the first President of the Canadian Access and Privacy Association; co-author of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act: An Annotated Guide (2001).
Hong Kong
Dr John Bacon-Shone (http://www.hku.hk/ssrc/info/cvjbs.html), Director of the Social Sciences Research Centre, University of Hong Kong, Chair of the Privacy Subcommittee of the Hong Kong Law Reform Commission.
Stephen Lau, Director of the World Wildlife Fund, Hong Kon; formerly the first Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong.
Robin McLeish, barrister, former Deputy Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, Hong Kong.
Professor Raymond Wacks, Emeritus Professor of Law and Legal Theory at the University of Hong Kong; principal works in the field of privacy are The Protection of Privacy, Personal Information: Privacy and the Law, Privacy, Privacy and Press Freedom, and Law, Morality, and the Private Domain, and (with Mark Berthold) Hong Kong Data Privacy Law: Territorial Regulation in a Borderless World.
Dr Fumio Shimpo ( http://www.hogen.org/index_e.html), Associate Professor of Tsukuba University; Data Protection Committee Member of Japan Information Processing Development Corporation (JIPDEC).
Abu Bakar Munir is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law, University of Malaya, Malaysia, and is presently on leave as Visiting Professor at the Ajman University, UAE, following a period as Legal Adviser to Dubai Internet City. He is the co-author (with Siti Hajar Mohd. Yasin) of the text 'Privacy and Data Protection: A Comparative Analysis With Special Reference to the Malaysian Proposed Law' (Sweet and Maxwell Kuala Lumpur 2002), and author of various article on privacy law. His other specialist areas are ICT Law, air and space law, evidence and child law.
New Zealand
Katrine Evans, Senior Lecturer in Law, Victoria University Wellington, author of a forthcoming privacy text and co-author of Torts in New Zealand - Cases and Materials.
Nicky Hager, journalist, author of Secret Power - New Zealand's Role in the International Spy Network, which was responsible for the expose of the controversial 'Echelon' international surveillance system.
Tim McBride, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Auckland, co-author of The Privacy Act: A Guide and The New Zealand Civil Rights Handbook; author of two official reports on privacy; chair of the Auckland Council for Civil Liberties and the Legal Information Service Inc.
Dr Paul Roth ( http://www.otago.ac.nz/law/staff/paul_roth.html), Associate Professor in Law, Otago University, Editor of Privacy Law and Practice, a commentary on New Zealand's Privacy Act; Asia-Pacific editor of the Global Encyclopaedia of Data Protection Regulation.
Peoples Republic of China
Professor Xue Hong, Professor of law at China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing, where she is also Director of the China IT Law Center. A visiting Professor at the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law and a member of the expert panel responsible for drafting a Chapter on "personal data protection" for an e-commerce law under consideration by the State Council of the PRC. An author of leading texts on Chinese intellectual property law; drafted PRC rules for domain name dispute resolution.
South Korea
Dr Hyu-Bong Chung, Secretary-General, Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee, KISA, South Korea.
Professor Young-Hoa Jung, Faculty of Law, Soekyeong University, author of numerous articles on privacy and dispute resolution; author of the books Electronic Commerce Law and Information Society and Law.
South American countries
Pablo A. Palazzi (http://www.ulpiano.com/PabloPalazzi.htm), Lecturer in computer law, Catholic University of Argentina, and author of Data Protection and International Transfers and the website Data Protection materials in Latin American Countries http://www.ulpiano.com/DataProtection-LA-links.htm.
See also Andrés Guadamuz below.
United States
David Banisar, co-author of the international survey 'Privacy and Human Rights' and former Senior Fellow of EPIC; Deputy Director of Privacy International.
Professor Michael Froomkin (http://www.law.miami.edu/~froomkin/welcome.html), University of Miami Faculty of Law; author of articles on anonymity, the death of privacy and ID cards.
Deborah Hurley, recipient of 2002 Namur Award, author of Pole Star: Human Rights in the Information Society, former Director of Harvard University's Information Infrastructure Project and official of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Cédric Laurant is Policy Counsel with the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) in Washington, where his focus is on international privacy issues and comparative policy and legal aspects of European and US privacy regimes. He supervised the production the 2003 edition of Privacy and Human Rights, an international survey of privacy laws and developments in the world. Further details are at http://www.epic.org/epic/staff/laurant/.
Marc Rotenberg (http://www.epic.org/epic/staff/rotenberg/), Executive Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Centre (EPIC), Washington DC; editor of The Privacy Law Sourcebook and Information Privacy Law.
Professor James Rule, Professor of Sociology at the State University of New York, Stony Brook; currently working on a cross-national, comparative study of laws and institutions for privacy protection; among his publications on information and privacy he is author of Private Lives and Public Surveillance and co-author of The Politics of Privacy.
Robert Ellis Smith, journalist and publisher of Privacy Journal (http://www.privacyjournal.net/) since 1974; author of numerous books on privacy and and frequent Congressional witness on privacy issues.
Andrés Guadamuz is originally from Costa Rica and has written on habeas data and other aspects of South American data protection law. He is a Lecturer in E-Commerce at the University of Edinburgh, specialising in IP law, and a Co-Director of the AHRB Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law there. For further details see http://www.law.ed.ac.uk/ahrb/people/view.asp?ref=50 and http://www.anduin.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/personal.htm
Observers from international organisations
Mr Blair Stewart, Assistant Privacy Commissioner, New Zealand (for Asia-Pacific Privacy Commissioners).
Observers from Baker Cyberlaw Centre (Conveners)
Mr Philip Chung, Executive Director, AustLII/WorldLII http://www.worldlii.org/, and APPCC web host.
Mr David Vaile, Executive Director, Cyberspace law and Policy Centre at the University of NSW Law Faculty http://www.cyberlawcentre.org/, and APPCC web content.
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