Defending the public
interest in cyberspace
The new Baker & McKenzie Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, to be launched
in Sydney this week, will focus on the regulation of the social space created by computing networks - cyberspace.
Co-Director of the new Centre, Professor Graham Greenleaf of the Faculty of
Law at the University of New South Wales, says that the Centre's approach is distinctive because it will take a public interest perspective on what are often very
technical issues of e-commerce and government on-line.
"Business and government are well able to explain and advance their own
interests in cyberspace, but there is a need for an independent organisation
to identify and defend the public interest," Professor Greenleaf said.
According to Professor Greenleaf, while much of the Centre's work concerns
Australian law and policy, it will also concentrate on the development of
cyberspace regulation in Asia, the fastest growing part of cyberspace's
'terrestrial footprint.'
The Baker Cyberlaw Centre will conduct research, public interest advocacy
and education on issues of law and policy concerning digital transactions
in cyberspace.
The Centre's work encompasses all aspects of e-commerce and the provision
of government services by Internet, including Public Key infrastructure
(PKI) and the use of encryption, Internet Governance, privacy and freedom
of information in digital records.
The global law firm Baker & McKenzie is the principal supporter of the Centre.
WHAT: Launch of Baker & McKenzie Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre
WHEN: Thursday 24 May 2001 at 5.00 for 5.15pm
WHERE: Grace Hotel, 777 York St (cnr King) Sydney
WHY: Mr John Rimmer, Chief Executive Officer of the National Office for the Information
Economy ( NOIE) will officially launch the Centre.
CONTACT DETAILS: Professor Greenleaf tel: 0403 321 595 or Sarah Martin, UNSW Public Affairs and Development tel: (02) 9385 3260.